I think I killed my blog by not blogging.
I'm going to try to resuscitate it with some pictorial and written inspiration.

In other news... my nose has abandoned me and is currently running like crazy. The last few days have been less than fun at least in terms of that. Started some antibiotics today but after learning about antibiotic resistance mechanisms in microbiology it makes me scared to take them for fear of creating some kind of mutant bacteria that is going to infect the rest of the human race.. . not cool.
I feel like I've pretty much adjusted to post summer-in-Africa living. Honestly, I felt like because of the way things ended in Uganda, that it was easier leaving than I'd expected. In the last week I was there I had gotten what looked like malaria. On top of that, my last patient in Uganda died on the table and it really hit me hard, especially considering the way that it all went down. It made me realize that medicine is a good thing, but it can't fix everyone; and even if it can fix people - it's only a temporary thing.
Finished the first test block - wow. This year is like riding a 7 hill rollercoaster... with the last hill being the biggest (USMLE Step 1.. the big test). Every six weeks consists of five weeks of class followed by a week of tests. More or less. In one sense, it gives us more freedom to do things at our own pace in the first few weeks, BUT the last few weeks of the block feel like lockdown. It's just wearisome and then you just hope your effort paid off in the ways you had hoped. During those couple of weeks at the end, it's easy to lose perspective of what's important when everyone is dropping everything to get hours in the books. Sleep, friends, relationships, exercise, and anything else at the time that seems superfluous. It's during these times that you see what is truly important to you. Do I "have to read" my Bible? Or is it that I won't make it through the day if I don't? I have to admit, I've felt both ways - depending on my self-reliance at the time.
Well, this post is a good start. Hopefully I'll get back to blogging more often soon.
Keep up the blogging. It's not dead yet. You still have at least one reader!
(two, if you count the fact that I read it out loud to Nate!)
awww.. thanks!
good to see y'all at the wedding. I need to see y'all more often!
Don't worry, I'm a blog killer too. Keep on truckin'. You can do it!
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