Sunday, July 6, 2008

Love and Intentionality-ism-ness

Experiencing love (not eros... erotic, romantic love) is something that we have all experienced, but maybe to different degrees. Agape love, as I've heard it described is sacrificial love. It is that kind of love that I experienced today from one of my friends. Let me expound:
I went to Lagniappe this weekend with a couple of my friends from Jackson. They wanted to come home soon after arriving, so I needed to find a ride home. They left Friday night. With an offer standing to let me leave Saturday morning I figured I would just do that until my friend John tells me if I'll just hang around, he'll take me home on Sunday. Now, in case you haven't noticed... gas isn't cheap these days. When it's your family, I think we come to expect certain things just because they are family and feel obligated to do such things. This is one of the most powerful things I've ever been offered. That this guy would give his entire afternoon to take me home even though it cost him an arm and a leg.
This is love... (okay, this is when you put your big people pants on and don't laugh that I'm talking about my guy friend).

This next semester (the fall) presents me a very unique situation. I have no class on Mondays and Fridays. I think it is going to be real challenge to my ability to prioritize and plan.... in short, it will challenge my ability to be intentional about my time. What a blessing to have 4 (four!!!) day weekends every weekend. The only question is how well they will be used. I pray I don't reach December and think I wasted all that time. My propensity is to not plan, but rather just to hope things kinda come together when it comes to my schedule. When it comes to some things.. i.e. Bible study and talks, I am good about planning. When it comes to what I am doing this Friday night, I won't usually think about it until the afternoon of. This isn't always true, but it is more true than I'd like to say.
Therefore, I'm planning to plan!


Andy Lindeman said...

Good luck!

raquelmae said...

you're about five feet away from me right now and I'm commenting because... I don't know why. I just am. Yes, John Henry is a nice guy. I'm glad you have him as a friend.

I'm jealous of the no friday/monday classes. You suck. Just kidding.

Unknown said...

In response to your post: you read, read it on my blog. :) I found that article via AOL news checking my Mom's e-mail for her.

raquelmae said...

haha. nice "Wob" and I'm sure you'd despise "SITC" too dirty. As I said, I would never watch it with a guy.

Yeah. I haven't seen you for a while. We should hang out one of these days. How's life?g

Anonymous said...

Thank you! It will definitely be an interesting week. I hope smoothies will be enough to sustain me. I remembered who my surgeon is--it's Dr. Gandy, not Dr. May. But Dr. Gandy seems pretty competent too.

Have a great week! :)