For the 'millions' of you reading from facebook (I wish that many people had interest in my blog :) ) I don't think these pictures are showing up... so you may have to go to the 'view original post' link.
Well, I finally got a little gadget that helps me pull of the pictures from my computer. I'd lost my cord and my pictures were 'stuck' in my camera. Here is my semester in review:
Nic, Ross, Libbie, Christy and myself all decided to go to the Yonder Mountain String Band concert in Oxford. It proved to be a great time. :)

Suzie and Aaron got married! I worked at Twin Lakes with these two, and it was great to see them together. Riding up with Kate, Aubra and Debbie proved to be as fun and
interesting as one would expect

Andrew Reed made it one more year in life. Yes, this was his birthday party at McAlisters. I think this may have been the night we took sidewalk chalk and wrote all over the pavement near the bakery. In the paper a couple days later, turns out someone had reported us for 'vandalism.' I guess they didn't appreciate our 'good morning' and 'have a great day' messages.

After the tornado hit Jackson, TN, Marielle got to come down to MSU and stay for a few days. She got to meet all my crazy friends. Poor girl.

Lagniappe took up my first half of spring break. Aubra and Ry accompanied me and we had a blast with a group from Delta State. This was the second of 3 trips for the semester... I just love that place.

This is a result of not checking on the foods in your refrigerator very often. Yes, this is an onion. And yes, it's awesome.

Brent McLemore and I took a little weekend trip up to Maryville College. Wow, this was a great trip! We got to do a little family visiting (for me), job scouting (for him), and checking out some of the mountains, but certainly not as much as I thought. Some of these pictures are from when we went to a music get together called "Rocky Branch' where people all just got together on friday night and played bluegrass music.

My pastor from Maryville and family!

Following a wonderful spring break was Easter w/ the family. Here are me and the parentals. I don't think Suzanne made it in that weekend.

Followed by easter egg dying! One of mine dropped...

I was invited to a formal at the "W" in Columbus, so Ben, Ross, Annalissa, and I hightailed it over to Columbus to rock out the night at the dance. When we got there, no one was dancing. By the time we got through with it, everybody was dancing! :)
The boyz...

The guhz...

So this isn't chronological... but who's counting.
RUF Crawfish Boil 2008! I think the best part may have been Suicidal Margarine (ya know, how the butter always dives out of the fridge when you open the door?)

The famous John Sabin came up with Sarah and Ruth from Lagniappe to come cook our crawfish.

RUF "Dudestorm" was quite an experience. The viewing of "There will be Blood" says it all...

Wow, this was a good semester, I haven't even mentioned Wil Prisock's birthday party...

And for those of you who think I only hang out with people and never do schoolwork. No, this is not true, I just don't ordinarily take pictures of me and my friends doing our homework. Except on this occasion. I'll share this one with you ...

I am blessed. That's really all I can think to say.
Have a great sabbath.
The new interns are freaking awesome. Nothing like us so no worries; no one can replace us! :) They were still adjusting when I was there but they have had a couple of festivuses by now so they should be settled in pretty well.
My sister Leslie and Brent went to NEMCC together. They used to "date." Ha ha. He's a wonderful guy! (Like you, of course.)
Rob - I think you must know everyone in the world.
Grad school is for a masters in cross-cultural ministries :-) so I can travel the world and try to make as many friends as you have
take care!
p.s. yes, its true, i have two.
Y'alls dancing picture is fabulous. And I like your "semester in review" idea...very nice.
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