could be the best/worst summer of my life. I'm hoping for the former. I'm gonna do my best to make it that.
I thought moving home would make me completely incapacitated in terms of getting things done, but fortunately it hasn't done that completely. It does make it harder to roll out of bed early though, because I don't have class.
Something funny I came across...

So here's the story on these photos. This tiger had triplet cubs and because of their low birthweight, they died. The mother got depressed because her cubs died and she started to decline in health, so the zookeepers started looking for other cubs around the country that could be adopted by this mother tiger. To their chagrin, they didn't find any, so they decided to dress up some pigs and let the mom 'adopt' them, and the pictures tell the rest of the story :)
Anyways. Going to Lagniappe for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and I feel like it is my vacation for the rest of the summer. Wow, I really can't wait for it - there is something refreshing about working with your hands and seeing people that you love in a place that you've grown attached to.
Well, that's it for my first real post, hope you're doing well!
Yay! I'm so glad you are blogging. I'm trying to do a better job at keeping my blog updated. Oops. :) Can't wait to see you thursday! John Sabin has big plans for the tool crib.
Woohoo, welcome to Blogspot! Much better than Xanga. :)
The story/pictures are great...and amusing. It's hard for me to believe it worked.
Have fun at Lagniappe!
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